Electricity market integration

- A North European Perspective


Conference dokumentation. Stockholm, March 3, 2015



Scenarios for the development of the North European power system
- opportunities and challenges

Thomas Unger, Profu
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The German perspective of increased North European electricity-market integration
Stephanie Ropenus, Agora Energiewende,
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Integration of electricity markets and competitiveness
Bengt Kriström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
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Increased transmission capacity - which are the major challenges and is it beneficial from an
economic point of view?
Hilda Dahlsten, Svenska Kraftnät and representative from other Nordic TSO
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Northconnect - A practical exemple of electricity market integration
Tommy Lövstad, Northconnect
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Welfare effects of increased or decreased cross-border capacity
Mats Nilsson, Swedenergy
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Will flowbased market coupling lead to better usage of transmission capacity, increased welfare and security of supply?
Patrick Luickx, CREG, Belgium
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The impact of capacity markets on surronding markets
Johan Linnarsson, Sweco
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Adverse effects of capacity mechanisms on surronding markets and how they can be mitigated
Berit Tennbakk, THEMA Consulting
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The role of hydro power in a European perspective
Lisa Göransson, Chalmers University of Technology
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