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North European Power Perspectives is lead by a steering committee with representatives from the financiers of the programme.
Energiforsk is the host of the project. Profu is the project manager.
NEPP's steering committee consists of representatives from the following administrative authoritives, organisations and companies:
Energimyndigheten (Swedish Energy Agency)
Göteborg Energi
Karlstads Energi
Skellefteå Kraft
Svensk Energi (Swedenergy)
Svenska Kraftnät (Swedish National grid)
Svensk Näringsliv (Confederation of Swedish Enterprise)
Växjö Energi
The ambition is to extend the steering committee with additional partners.
NEPP's research team should be interdisciplinary, with researchers from areas such as electrical power engineering, energy systems technology as well as economics and business administration.
In 2015 the following universities/institutions/research companies are part of NEPP's research team:
KTH, Electric Power Systems
Chalmers, Sustainable Energy Systems
IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute
The ambition of NEPP's steering committee is to complete these five institutions/research companies with some additional researchers during the project period.
In addition, NEPP will actively seek collaboration with scientists outside of Sweden to establish the project as part of North European networks and research programmes.